Friday, June 18, 2010

Reinstatement & Payoff

When you attend a foreclosure settlement conference there are a few papers that the you should request from the bank. Two of the most important (depending on your situation) are Reinstatement and Payoff quotes.

What is a Reinstatement Quote and Why/When is it Important?

A Reinstatement Quote tells you how far behind on your mortgage. It gives you a dollar amount that, if paid, would make you current on your mortgage. If you pay this amount your mortgage is Reinstated and you would make next month's payment as if you were never delinquent.
It is VERY rare that someone actually reinstates their mortgage. It is far more common to go on a forebearance to mod agreement (pay a certain elevated amount per month to help you catch up on areas and then have a modification) or receive a HAMP or In-House Modification. It is important to receive a copy of the Reinstatement so you can check the bank's math and make sure that (1) they are billing your account correctly and (2) they have credited your account for past payments. Its also good to know how much is owed because while you are in foreclosure you are typically unable to make mortgage payments so it is sometimes possible to save up enough money to offer a huge chunk up front for a more favorable In-House modification.

What is a Payoff Quote and Why/When is it Important?

A Payoff Quote will tell you exactly how much the bank is owed on the mortgage. This amount is typically larger then the original mortgage (depending on how long you've been in default and how long you paid the mortgage before defaulting). If you pay this amount the mortgage will be satisfied and you will no longer owe the bank anything.
A Payoff Quote is important for a few of the same reasons a Reinstatement Quote is important. You should check the bank's math and have an idea of how you are being billed. A Payoff Quote becomes very important if you are looking to sell the house. If what you owe is more than what the house is worth then you will need bank approval to conduct a Short Sale. If what you owe is less than what the house is worth then you will not need bank approval as this is a normal sale. Keep in mind that you'll need to pay a broker fee and will need to set aside for a few other expense.

When Will I receive these Quotes?

Bank attorneys are instructed to bring these documents with them to all settlement conferences. You or your attorney can request a copy of each at every settlement conference. If the opposing council doesn't have a copy you should request, in front of the court referee, JHO or Judge, for a copy to be emailed or faxed to you.

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